Thursday, October 25, 2007

Response Questions

1. Fanon sees violence as a necessary component of any anti-colonial struggle because the decolonization of a nation is the substituion of one species of mankind to another. He says that decolonization is a confrontation between two protagonists which can only be settled or won by resorting to every last effort, which includes violence.

2. The insidious effects of colonization for the colonized individual are that their values are infected. The colonizers want to take away everything that the colonized people believed in, their traditions, and especially their myths. They want to make their entire society based around Christianity which isn't what they believed in. They were being oppressed and would be going against the government if they kept going on witht heir traditions, so they were forced to forget about them. Also it dehumanizes the colonial subject, and puts them into a lower form of life.

3. According to Fanon as a result of the close, sustained, and violent encounter of the "West" and the "Other" human subjectivity becomes even more aware. The colonists are oppressed but because they are individuals and intellectuals they begin to rebel in their thoughts. Soon they are thinking of ways that they could rebel outside of themselves. They are becoming aware of the fact that the things happening around them are wrong and that they can possibly do something about it. They are getting ready to rebel.

4. Self-determination is the process by which a person controls their own life. And Fanon feels that this is definitely important. He feels like the colonized people need to take control of their lives and retain their cultures by any means possible.

1 comment:

Quinn said...

The whole time i was reading this chapter, all i could think about was Pocahontas. Its childish, but its really what fanon is talking about. they dont care about the land, they come in and make rules and try to convert the people, they build their own towns and just in general try to westernize them. you always see images of native americans with guns- soldiers would give them guns in trade for gold or other commodities. The people are corrupted by the westerners coming in and showing them their advances in technology and teaching them how to kill a person quicker and easier.